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Ash Road Bridge – Bridge Beam Installation

Ash Road Bridge – Bridge Beam Installation

Ash Road Bridge – Bridge Beam Installation

We will be installing the new bridge beams over the Bank Holiday weekend of 4-6 May. Activities on site will be taking place in shifts throughout the weekend. There may be a brief lull during shift handovers, but work will be continuous.

Shift times:

  • Friday 8am to 6pm (as normal)
  • Friday 6pm to Saturday 6am
  • Saturday 6am to 6pm
  • Saturday 6pm to Sunday 6am
  • Sunday 6am to 6pm
  • Sunday 6pm to Monday 6am

We’ll be using tower lights when it’s dark. Our aim is to avoid disturbing local properties but as the lights are driven by small generators, you may hear a low droning noise.

The new beams and all equipment will arrive on site ahead of the weekend. There are approximately 19 beams which are being delivered mostly in pairs.  The beams are 29m in length and will need to be guided into the site, so please be aware that there may be a brief delay to local journeys while the vehicles are guided through the gate.

The beams will travel via Ash Church Road and through the closed section of Foreman Road to the site entrance.

We apologise for any disturbance or inconvenience caused by these activities.


No trains will be operating between 2am Saturday and 4am Monday. We advise anyone travelling by train over the weekend to check the National Rail website first.


We have created a viewing area so people can watch bridge beams being installed and the start of the bridge deck being built. The platform will be open from 10am-12pm and 4pm-5pm on both Saturday and Sunday. There is room for fifty people, and limited parking on site. If you are interested, please let us know via

Please note: sturdy footwear will be required.

Foreman Road Closure – construction phase 2

Further to previous published information, we will be moving the Foreman Road closure in May. This has been put back to after the installation of the bridge beams.

We will write nearer the time with further details.

Further information

Please check the Guildford Borough Council website for up-to-date information (

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Yours faithfully,

Colin Bexley 

Project Manager

For VolkerFitzpatrick Limited

on behalf of Guildford Borough Council