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Human Resources – Sub Committee

Human Resources – Sub Committee

The Human Resources Sub Committee will meet as and when required and details of any upcoming meeting can be found here.

The Human Resources Sub Committee is served by the following councillors;

  • Cllr Carla Morson (Chairman);
  • Cllr Carl Cookson (Vice Chairman);
  • Cllr Richard Lucas;
  • Cllr John Tonks;
  • Cllr Fiona White (Ex Officio).


  • All Councillors not on the committee.

The Function of the Sub Committee is as follows:

  • To oversee the appointment of Council staff in consultation with the Chairman of the Council, any appointment being subject to the approval of Council.  This appointment of staff other than the Clerk, may be delegated to the Clerk, by agreement.  To oversee the management of the Clerk and Council staff in consultation with the Chairman of the Council, (management of staff other than the Clerk can be delegated to the clerk, by agreement).
  • To provide support and management of the Clerk, monitor and manage hours of working, home working, annual/flexi/compassionate/time off in lieu (TOIL) leave, absences and sick leave.
  • The Committee is responsible for the welfare of all staff.
  • Review employees’ remuneration and make recommendations to the Council, as appropriate.
  • Review Conditions of Employment, Contracts of Employment and Job Descriptions, as appropriate, in consultation with the Chairman of the Council, to ensure they meet the needs of the Council and to ensure that they comply with relevant legislation and established good practice.
  • To review staffing structures in consultation with the Chairman of the Council, to ensure the structure is sufficient to meet the aims of the Council.
  • Develop, implement and review employment practices in consultation with the Chairman of the Council.
  • Manage the Council’s compliance with employment legislation.
  • Ensure an appropriate Performance Management and Appraisal systems are in place and monitor their effectiveness.
  • Ensure that Members are appropriately trained to conduct Appraisals.
  • Set appropriate SMART objectives for the Clerk, in consultation with the Chairman of the Council, based on the aims and priorities of the Council.
  • Hold regular informal Meetings with the Clerk and the Chairman of the Council, to discuss and review employment matters, agenda’s and other matters arising, as appropriate.
  • Ensure appropriate funds and arrangements are in place to support staff development and training.
  • Manage Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures in accordance with the appropriate council policy and processes.  Where necessary recommend appropriate actions to Council.
  • If required, appoint a hearing/ appeals panel drawn from members of the Staffing Committee or from an external body, as appropriate to the circumstances.

The Sub Committee has a Delegated Spending Authority;

In order to undertake the functions, the Staffing Committee is authorised to spend up to £5000.00 per annum, when such expenditure is agreed by resolution of the committee. Expenditure requirements in excess of the limit must be authorised by Council.