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Councillor Michael Moriarty – Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

Councillor Michael Moriarty – Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

Section A: Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

(1) Details of any employment, office, trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain.

CouncillorSpouse/Civil Partner
Self Employed Consultancy :
Contractor at Undercover Promotions Ltd

(2) Details of any payment or provision of any other financial benefit (other than from the Council) made or provided within the previous 12 months in respect of any expenses incurred by me in carrying out duties as a member, or towards my election expenses. This includes any payment or financial benefit from a trade union within the meaning of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992.

CouncillorSpouse/Civil Partner

(3) Details of any contract which is made between me, or my spouse/civil partner (or a body in which I or my spouse/civil partner have a beneficial interest), and the Parish Council;

(a) under which goods or services are to be provided or works are to be executed; and

(b) which has not been fully discharged.

CouncillorSpouse/Civil Partner

(4) Details of any beneficial interest in land within the Parish council’s area

CouncillorSpouse/Civil Partner

(5) Details of any licence (alone or jointly with others) to occupy land within the Parish Council’s area for a month or longer.

CouncillorSpouse/Civil Partner

(6) Details of any tenancy where (to my knowledge);

(a) the Parish Council is the landlord; and

(b) the tenant is a body in which I, or my spouse/civil partner, have a beneficial interest.

CouncillorSpouse/Civil Partner

(7) Details of any beneficial interest in securities of a body where;

(a) that body (to my knowledge) has a place of business or land in the Parish council’s area; and

(b) either-;

(i) the total nominal vale of the securities exceeds £25,000 or one hundredth of the total issued share capital of that body; or

(ii) if the share capital of that body is of more than one class, the total nominal value of the shares of any one class in which I, or my spouse/civil partner has a beneficial interest exceeds one hundredth of the total issued share capital of that class.

CouncillorSpouse/Civil Partner

Section B: Non-Pecuniary Interests

(8) Details of membership of organisations to which you have been appointed or nominated by your parish council and in which you hold a position of general control or management.

Councillor : None

(9) Details of membership, or holding a position of general control or management, of any body that :

  • exercises functions of a public nature
  • is directed to charitable purposes, or
  • one of whose principal purposes includes the influence of public opinion or policy (including any political party or trade union)

Councillor : Volunteer at The Woodcraft Folk (Charity)

Section C: Gifts and Hospitality

(10) Any person from whom I have received a gift or hospitality, during my term of office as a parish councillor in connection with my official duties as a parish councillor, with an estimated value of between £25 and £50:

[NB: Your attention is drawn to the Councillors’ Code of Conduct (para 24), which states:

“As a councillor, you must avoid accepting any gift, hospitality or other favour which compromises, or could give the impression of compromising your integrity, honesty or objectivity. You should never accept any gift or hospitality as an inducement or reward for anything, or if acceptance might be open to misinterpretation or which puts you under an improper obligation. In particular, whenever acting in your capacity as a councillor you

(1) should avoid any behaviour which might reasonably be seen as motivated by personal gain;

(2) should never solicit a gift or hospitality;

(3) may accept, but must register with the Monitoring Officer within 28 days of
acceptance, any gift or hospitality of an estimated value between £25 and £50, subject always to the proviso that you exercise caution in accepting any gifts or hospitality regardless of value which are (or which you might reasonably believe to be) offered to you because you are a councillor; and

(4) should never accept significant gifts or hospitality with an estimated value of more than £50 from any third party.]

  • None

Signed:- Michael Moriarty


2nd July 2024