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Ash Neighbourhood Plan

Ash Neighbourhood Plan

What is the Ash Neighbourhood Plan?

Ash Parish Council is creating a Neighbourhood Plan (NP) for Ash and will be consulting with residents for their say.

A NP cannot outright prevent development or planning applications, but it can influence and shape development in a way that aligns with the community’s priorities and needs. It complements the broader local plan prepared by the local planning authority but focuses specifically on the needs and aspirations of the parish’s residents. For an example a Neighbourhood Plan might suggest:

  • The number and type of homes to be built to meet local needs.
  • Protection for specific green spaces or wildlife corridors.
  • Design standards for new developments to match the parish’s rural character.

Ash Parish Council will announce its community engagement and consultation on all parish notice boards and website. It should be noted that not all views expressed at different stages in this process will be included in the final plan. Through consultation, the Neighbourhood Plan is intended to reflect the majority view of the residents and will formally be agreed upon by a public referendum.